Kick Ass!

Watched the movie, part way through the comics, and loving everything to do with Kick Ass. I will be working on a new design tomorrow, based around the blocks from a page of Kick Ass, but meantime, let me leave you with this!

6 Responses to “Kick Ass!”

  1. MonkeyMan Says:

    Awesome! Kick Ass inspired me too. I made “Kick Ass” part of my “FatKid” series.

  2. Hey,

    we would love to feature your work [found this on Tumblr]. shoot me an email!

  3. Awesome!
    please stick to the comic with this one (:

  4. NinjaCyborgJesus Says:

    Hell yea, about time too !

  5. A RANDOM DUDE Says:

    hell yeah, these shoes are freaking awesome!!!!!!

  6. Kick Ass Nike’s Live up to Title « Evolveteam’s Blog Says:

    [...] custom Nike kicks fromBrass Monki are literally Kick Ass. Let’s get some Big Daddy’s up there. Smooth work [...]

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